여성을 위한 10 주파수 진동 웨어러블 팬티 음핵 진동기

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여성을 위한 10 주파수 진동 웨어러블 팬티 음핵 진동기

* 여성용 마사지기

* 액체 실리콘 마사지

* 배터리 용량: 400mah

* 충전 전류: 400mA

* 충전 시간: 120분

* 작업 시간: 60분

* Ipx6 워터프루프 및 난방

* 5가지 주파수 진동

* USB 충전

* 무음, <50dB

* 색상: 로즈 레드, 살색

재질: 액체 실리콘

순중량: 92g

제품 크기:108mm*48mm

Choosing the Right Size and Shape for Your First Sex Toy

When selecting your first sex toy, size and shape are essential factors to consider. Beginners might prefer a smaller, more manageable toy that is not intimidating, while others may want to explore larger or more intricate designs. For women, a smaller vibrator or G-spot stimulator can be a good starting point. If you’re interested in dildos, choose one with a manageable girth and length. For men, starting with a smaller, smooth toy might feel more comfortable. It’s important to keep in mind that everyone’s body is different, so there’s no “one-size-fits-all” approach. Start small, experiment, and gradually explore more based on what feels most pleasurable to you.


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