Anal Clit G Spot Stimulation Rabbit Vibrator for Women

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Anal Clit G Spot Stimulation Rabbit Vibrator for Women

*IPX7 водонепроницаемый

* Емкость аккумулятора: 500mah

* Время зарядки: 120 мин.

* Время работы: 90 мин.

*10 частот вибрации

*Двойной ударный вибратор

*Магнитная зарядка

Материал: жидкий силикон

Вес нетто: 200 г

Размер продукта: 200 мм * 53 мм

The Benefits of Using Sex Toys in a Relationship

Using sex toys in a relationship can help increase intimacy and trust between partners. They not only bring more fun to sexual experiences but also serve as tools for communication and exploring each other’s desires. Sex toys offer different sensations, helping break the monotony of sexual routines and adding variety to the experience. For couples, using sex toys can foster a deeper understanding of each other’s bodies and strengthen emotional bonds. Additionally, they can be beneficial in addressing sexual health issues, such as improving female pleasure or helping men with premature ejaculation. When used in a safe, healthy way, sex toys can make a couple’s sex life more harmonious and fulfilling.


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