Новый дизайн мини любовь вибрируя яйцо беспроводной пульт дистанционного управления прыгать яйцо вибратор для женщины

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Новый дизайн мини любовь вибрируя яйцо беспроводной пульт дистанционного управления прыгать яйцо вибратор для женщины

Технические характеристики

10 vibration modes, Wireless remote control

Color: Pink/Purple/Rose-red
Степень водонепроницаемости: IP65
Charge/Use Time: 2H/1.4H

Материал: жидкий силикон



Discover the Pleasure of Wearable Panty Vibrators

A vibrating panty, also known as an underwear vibrator, is a discreet, wearable sex toy that fits snugly into your panties. These devices are ergonomically designed to maintain constant contact with your vulva and clitoris, ensuring a pleasurable experience without any slippage.

Pro Tip for Ultimate Control

To truly enhance your experience, opt for a panty vibrator that comes with a дистанционное управление. Why?

  • Complete Control: Adjust the intensity, speed, and stimulation patterns to suit your preferences.
  • Partner Play: Giving the remote to a partner adds a fun element of control and excitement, perfect for exploring power dynamics like dom/sub play.

Top Choice: The Best Wearable Vibrator

Enbee – The Wearable G-Spot Bunny Vibrator
For those who enjoy hands-free pleasure, the Enbee Wearable G-Spot Bunny Vibrator is an exceptional choice. It brings the classic Bunny-style design into the modern era with features that elevate your experience:

  • Носимый: Comfortable and discreet, perfect for use during everyday activities.
  • Remote Control: Take charge of your pleasure or let your partner set the pace for an exciting twist.

The Enbee Vibrator is ideal for those who want to combine convenience, comfort, and intense pleasure on the go.






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